The Build: Day 2

Well after the Un-Taping, everything was ready this morning for the build. I started by following the pdf of written instructions included on the sd card but they only helped so much.


Pull up the Anet A8 build video from YouTube. When installing motors the pdf doesn’t specify the orientation which is important because of electrical connectors. It helps me to see it being built along side what I am doing.

This is my first big undertaking of a project like this (diy kit, electronics, 3d printing). I love being able to see all the parts that were once merely pieces in a box fit together and grow as a whole.

My favorite part of the build today after seeing the frame come together was installing the y-axis belt. This was the first “moving” part and after getting the heating bed the build is really taking shape.


I did encountered a missing hole through the acrilic frame for one screw. Luckily I previously had bought a small drill set and since both sides are mirrors of one another I drilled a hole myself. Also in placing the T frame bars I needed to make the holes a smidge larger in the plastic to get the rods to pass through. 

Also there are so many small nuts and screws that are hard to place with my fatty fingers. 😀

All in all things are coming together nicely. I do have a time lapse I’m trying to do with the build so we will see if that turns out. And hopefully tomorrow (if time permits) I should be close to having a completed (and functional) 3D Printer!

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